As with most writing, in-game text is all about economy and impact—conveying the required information with the most efficient and engaging language while establishing a strong and consistent tone.

Bounty Quests

Game: Momoguro • Legends of Uno

Quest Text and Success Messaging

Quest directives and success notifications, particularly for bounty quests, became a valuable and efficient way to introduce depth, detail, and humor to the world of Momoguro.

The 200+ unique bounty quests gave players deeper insight into how Momoguro society operates. Being a Holoself isn’t just about bravery and adventure. New recruits are also responsible for solving everyday issues that pop up in the diverse regions of Uno.

Feature Descriptions

Game: Momoguro • Legends of Uno

Class and Item Records

In contrast with the quest copy, I wanted a more pedagogical tone for the Momo class and ancient armor descriptions, as though they were written and documented by Elder Holoself biologists and historians.